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Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Participant
Oral Sex Donations Accepted
Make The Hobbit 


:: Thursday, March 21, 2002 ::

look at what my friend did on the link he found... he used my name! the nerve! & look what it turned out... oh freaky... Legolas looked around Rivendell with curious and nudged . This story sure was getting freaky . What was Tolkien thinking with all of those yucky trolls and - please - a magical book ? Where's the fantasy in that? Also, Aragorn had been giving him some jerky looks and he was getting worried that things may take some slashy turns. Right then, Ainalambeiel propelled the whatever you calll that Ainalambeiel into the story. Not only a teenager from modern day Earth, but secretly the Princess of Rivendell and the known Universe! Legolas looked in amazement . He had never seen anyone so whatever you calll that in his life. She was beautiful . More than beautiful , she was intelligent ! He was in love. Yup. Definetely in love. No slashy turns for Aragorn . For no real reason at all, going against all laws of the story, history, mathematics and gravity itself, Ainalambeiel dreamy joined the Fellowship right there, right then (Goodbyeeeee Viggo Mortensen !) Together they walked through Rivendell , onto Lothlorien and more dangerous road, all the while Legolas biting on her ankles. Suddenly, and for no reason at all, some nasty Elf attacked! "Wah!" wailed Legolas as he was brutally kissed . Swiftly, Ainalambeiel was at his side, single-handedly destorying the Elf in one sharp, effortless hugged . "You saved my life," Legolas swooned, kissing her chest passionately. Just as things were heating up, and the story seemed slightly less freaky , Aragorn , Frodo and Pippin simultaneously fell down a hole! Selflessly, fearing no harm for herself, Ainalambeiel leapt heroically to their rescue, saving their lives in one lucky swoop. "You saved our lives," they swooned, kissing her chest . And just as the story was drawing a close, Sam discreetly mentioned The Ring in conversation. But Ainalambeiel was no jerk , she was the Princess of Rivendell in disguise a wee bit! In one swift movement, she grabbed The One Ring from Frodo's foot , killed Sauron somehow, and destroyed The Ring in a nearby treasure box , freeing all of Middle-Earth of its evil corruption and power forever and ever. And ever. "You saved our lives," the free peoples of Middle-Earth swooned, kissing her chest passionately. And just as the story was drawing to a close, Ainalambeiel shagged Legolas for a while and they all lived happily ever after. Oh yeah, and I think Gandalf fell into darkness at one point and some other bloke died.

:: rabbit 3/21/2002 04:41:00 AM [+] ::

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